All will become clear | Jerusalem Post
Wednesday, November 11, 2009 7:49 AM
I have put my thinking cap on and tried to figure out what in the world is going on here. (See article below from the Jerusalem Post re the strange, secretive Monday night powwow of Barack O. and Bibi.) All I can do is speculate. The short answer is that Barack O. and Bibi Nut&Yahoo have come to the joint realization that they need one another, especially right now. No doubt, they detest one another, and for good reason. Barack O. and his team--who is actually running foreign policy, by the way?--seriously miscalculated and were out-foxed/out-maneuvered by Bibi and his fellow Likud hooligans. Barack and Hillary caved, as they had to, if they were to stay in the good graces of the Israel Lobby. No mystery on that score. For their part, Bibi and his hooligans were outraged that Barack and Hillary thought they could wander off the reservation even for a moment. It set a bad precedent.
Then came the monkey wrench. Tel Aviv's and Washington's designated Palestinian interlocutor, Mahmoud Abbas, has indicated he wants out, and will not shoulder on as the unelected "President" of the Palestinian Authority. In other words, the charade of the "peace process" begun with the Oslo Accords may collapse for lack of a straw man. This means that greater interest will be focused upon Tel Aviv itself and its brutal occupation of the West Bank, the Golan Heights, and the south of Lebanon, not to mention the inhuman blockade of Gaza. A necessary ingredient for keeping the fiction of the "two state" solution alive will be absent.
Bibi and his war criminal "Defense Minister" Ehud Barak are in a pickle. They want the "peace process" to continue so it can be used as a smoke screen behind which more "facts on the ground" will irreversibly be created. Barack O. is in the same boat, but at the other end, trying to keep the boat level and afloat. Like U.S. Presidents before him, Barack O. does not care one iota about the actual outcome of the "peace process"--just that it appears to be on track, even though a sham. The Palestinians have been thrown to the dogs long ago. They are at the total mercy of Zionist Jews, mostly from eastern Europe, who have conquered Palestine.
Stalin rhetorically asked Churchill--or was it Roosevelt?--"How many divisions does the Pope have?" Why worry or care about the Pope, for Christ sake? In the same vein, the White House correctly regards the Palestinians and the Arabs in general as impotent and a non-factor. "How many votes, what clout and cash do the Palestinians have in America compared to that of the Jews and their Lobby?" In Washington, in and out of the government, this unspoken question drives U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East. It is no contest.
The fact is, the smooth-talking Barack O. Presidency needs the Israel Lobby to succeed, and not just with respect to foreign policy; on the other hand, Bibi & Company needs the White House to get on board with Tel Aviv’s military, economic and psychological warfare campaign against Iran. Hence, a truce has been called and an alliance of convenience has been formed. If the charade of the Middle East "peace process" were to collapse, Barack O. would look mighty foolish. He and his associates cannot afford that right now, in the midst of the economic crisis and Barack's plunging popularity. So Tel Aviv will help him out by pretending to be eager to negotiate a fair compromise with the Palestinians. Furthermore, it will direct its agents and retainers to go easy on Obama so long as he plays ball.
In return, Tel Aviv will get the green light from Obama, from Secretary of State Clinton, and from Secretary of Defense Gates for the ruination of Iran. The best case scenario for Tel Aviv, what Bibi hopes for, is that the U.S. military will do to Iran what Washington did to Iraq with sanctions and “shock and awe”. It will all become clear soon enough. It worked before. No wonder Bibi is smiling.

PM on US talks: All will become clear
Nov. 10, 2009
Although the details of Monday night's talks between Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and US President Barack Obama continued to be shrouded in secrecy, speaking to reporters before boarding the plane to Paris from Washington on Tuesday night, the prime minister dismissed suggestions of a tense meeting and said the "importance of the visit will become clear in the future."
"Reports about a bad atmosphere are garbage," he said. "To put it mildly, they are grossly inaccurate and don't reflect the truth." Netanyahu said the atmosphere "was very open and very warm."
"The discussions dealt with the complex of issues vital for Israel's security and our joint efforts to advance the peace process. We discussed these issues in detail, in a practical way and out of friendship. I really appreciated the professional and positive approach I discovered," he said.
Referring to other meetings he held on his trip, Netanyahu said, "There was a great understanding among Jewish leaders and in the Senate that we want to advance peace and that we are taking practical measures to do so, while we have real security needs that the US is prepared to help with."
Meanwhile, Defense Minister Ehud Barak emphasized the extreme importance of his and Netanyahu's visit to the US before flying back to Israel on Tuesday night. "The visit of myself and Prime Minister Netanyahu to Washington and the White House was very important," he said. "We're leaving no stone unturned in our quest to resume peace negotiations."
Barak said that during the visit, the "contribution of US President Obama's leadership" to the Middle East peace process, as well as to Israel's security, "once again became clear." The defense minister stressed that Obama was attentive to Israel's security needs.
Monday's one-hour-and-forty-minute meeting between Netanyahu and Obama was accompanied by an unusual news blackout, as the standard photo op and press availability were not held. In addition, Netanyahu canceled a scheduled briefing with Israeli reporters and Barak scrapped plans for radio interviews following the talks.
Both sides referred to a brief statement put out by the White House after the Monday evening meeting, about half of which was one-on-one and half of which included four members of staff on each side. Barak, Israeli Ambassador Michael Oren, National Security Council head Uzi Arad and PMO adviser Yitzhak Molcho joined Netanyahu.
"The president reaffirmed our strong commitment to Israel's security, and discussed security cooperation on a range of issues," said the White House readout. "The president and prime minister also discussed Iran and how to move forward on Middle East peace."
The White House deflected questions earlier in the day about why the Obama-Netanyahu meeting would be held without the usual TV cameras or statements to the media. In response, White House spokesman Robert Gibbs first said that "our schedule since late last week has been up in the air," as Obama has shifted his schedule to participate in Tuesday's memorial service in Fort Hood among other events.
Pressed on the issue, as it is highly unusual for the president to see an Israeli prime minister without any media presence, Gibbs said that "the President wanted to have a meeting with Prime Minister Netanyahu. That's what we're doing." He added, "The contents of the meeting generally seem to be well read out and I trust that this time will be no different." However, after the leaders' evening conversation, the White House did not provide more information than its brief statement.
Earlier in the day, Obama met with about 60 senior representatives of Jewish federations following the cancellation of his appearance at the federations' conference Tuesday. Speaking at a White House reception, Obama urged the group to address health care legislation making its way through Congress, a major priority of the president.
He also thanked them for the "countless hours of tzedakah [charity] performed every day of every week," according to a statement put out after the event by the Jewish Federations of North America. Participants told The Jerusalem Post that Obama did not address the issue of Israel or the wider Middle East during his very short remarks, but that several members of the crowd raised the issue with him during his brief appearance in the room.
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