«2007 Blog Entries»
Alerts and Unsolicited Comments on the Passing Scene in 2007
[Copyright Patrick Foy]
Professor George Kateb
"A life of Fear" by Princeton Professor George Kateb is the most thoughtful essay I have seen in the aftermath of the terrorist attacks on New York City and Washington D.C. of September 11th, 2001. It was brought to my...
No American President can stand up to Israel

It has always seemed to me that the unprovoked attack on the USS Liberty off the coast of Egypt back in June 1967, and the subsequent cover-up by President Lyndon Johnson and others, provided irrefutable proof that U.S....
40th Anniversary USS Liberty Attack

Below, the BBC writes about conspiracy theorists with respect to the June 8th, 1967 attack on the USS Liberty off the coast of Egypt by America’s “closest regional ally”. You do not need to be a conspiracy theorist to understand...
General Zinni Meets The Lobby
I've been studying American foreign policy in the Middle East for 34 years and I can't recall any U.S. president who has subordinate American interests to Israeli interests like this one.
-- Augustus...
We are Responsible
Let it be clear. Let it be understood. What is happening in Palestine and the Middle East generally is happening in your name. It is thanks to policies determined by officials in Washington, who supposedly represent the...
The Don Imus Firestorm
It looks like they have knocked Don Imus off his perch, at least on cable TV. All of a sudden, the president of MSNBC wakes up and is shocked, shocked at what Imus has been saying over the public airways on his moring television...
Warmongers in the Shadows
Harper's magazine runs an excellent online feature called “Washington Babylon”, written by Ken Silverstein. Reproduced below is the posting from last Friday, April 6th, entitled "Netanyahu's White House Visit". It seems...
Nigerian Scams and Niger Uranium
Nice item in today's Washington Post revisiting those alarming pre-war claims by Richard Cheney & Associates that Iraq was seeking uranium from Africa to develop an atomic bomb with which Saddam Hussein was going to threaten...
The Dishonest Dichotomy
Yesterday Der Spiegel put on line its recent interview with the foreign minister of Iran. See below, my emphasis in red. The exchange says as much about the biased German news media mindset as it does about Iran's position...
Advanced Knowledge of 9/11 Attacks
Below is a fascinating story about the biggest cover-up in American history since that pertaining to the Roosevelt Administration's complicity in the attack on Pearl Harbor. In both instances, the idea may very well have...
Richard Cheney to the Box
The article reproduced below from Capitol Hill Blue ("Cheney could die or resign in office") was posted on Monday in response to the news of the blood clot in Dick Cheney's leg, something called venous thrombosis. It is...
Avnery compares Olmert to Bush
Below is an excerpt from the latest column by German-Jewish peace activist and sage, Uri Avnery, writing from Tel Aviv. As usual, he makes some very good points. Olmert and Bush are in a similar predicament. Due to an elective...
Libby in extremis
Lawrence O'Donnell, liberal pundit and a regular "McLaughlin Group" panelist, says Irving "Scooter" Libby, right-hand man to Richard Cheney, is going to be found guilty. Well, if Libby is guilty of perjury and obstruction...
Pretext for War
No big commentary on my part. Just want to pass along William Pfaff's remarks below from Paris concerning Iran and the wider "clash of civilizations". Recall what Pfaff wrote about Iraq early last summer (June 29th) while...
Irony, WMD and Treason
Note from David Corn's fine article on-line in The Nation, that any number of characters in the Cheney/Bush Administration leaked the name of CIA operative Valerie Plame to the news media, but not, it appears Irving "Scooter"...
The chosen nation Danger
If you are still scratching your head, wondering why the U.S. invaded Iraq, the article below in yesterday's USA Today is a good place to start looking for an answer. My view is that Washington invaded Iraq so that the...
Avigdor Lieberman, Attack Dog
Below is an abbreviated interview with ex-nightclub bouncer Avigdor Lieberman from Moldavia, who is now "Minister of Strategic Affairs" and Deputy Prime Minister of Israel. He and fellow Russian, Ehud Olmert, who bears...
Paul Findley defends Jimmy Carter
The thought-police in action. (See below.) A former President of the United States, a humanitarian, a Democrat and a liberal, is denounced by the Israel Lobby and by his fellow Democrats, and for what? For pointing out...
The Bad Example
One never knows what may turn up in the London Review of Books. The January 25th issue arrived late in the post a few days ago. I got around to opening it today, and found a wonderful, down-to-earth article by a professor...
A Crime for the Ages
Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, assistant Secretary of the Treasury under Ronald Reagan, continues to portray a dark but accurate picture of the Cheney/Bush Co-Consulship. Roberts believes that there are solid grounds to impeach...
This Monstrous Game
In the "What's your solution?" Department, herewith more background on Senator Chuck Hagel, who may make a run for the White House. One man is not a solution, of course. But it could be a start. At this point, there may...
Glimmer of Sanity in the Senate
Senator Jay Rockefeller of West Virginia must be talking with his colleague, Senator Robert Byrd, also of West Virginia, and taking him more seriously than in the past. If my memory serves me right, Rockefeller voted for...
Jimmy Carter confronts the Propaganda
Three cheers for Jimmy Carter for speaking out on the issue of Palestine, the Israel Lobby and the Middle East in his book Palestine Peace Not Apartheid. It is all such a huge disgrace and scandal and everyone in Washington...
De Borchgrave: Never Again?
I am alarmed by the Arnaud de Borchgrave column below (my emphasis in red) which dates from 5 days ago. The usually wise and level-headed De Borchgrave is on the verge of allowing himself to become a conduit for Israeli...
Surge to Nowhere
Been away almost a week at another croquet tournament in Palm Beach. Won eight matches, lost two. It's escape therapy. Otherwise, totally unremunerative. Have I missed anything? Oh, yes. Mr. G.W. Bush did gave a speech...
Angela at the White House
Angela "in wonderland" Merkel, Germany's Chancellor, has just paid a flying visit to the embattled G.W. Bush in Washington. (See below.) Something is up. Merkel hops on a plane to cross the Atlantic to meet with G.W. for...
No Comment Tony
British Journalist, editor and parliamentarian, Boris Johnson, seems genuinely annoyed that Prime Minister Tony Blair has had nothing to day about the hanging of Saddam Hussein last weekend. I can't see what Johnson is...
Doug Thompson on Saddam and Bush
Say what you will, free speech is alive and kicking in the USA. However, veteran Washington-based journalist Doug Thompson, who launched Capitol Hill Blue, the first political website on the internet in 1994, is pushing...