«2009/2010 Entries»
Herewith Alerts and Comments
on the Passing Scene in 2009 and 2010
[Copyright 2010 Patrick Foy]
Chutzpah, Thy Name is Zionism
File the straw-in-the-wind item below under "Proximate motives for Fake Iran crisis and Operation Iraqi Freedom". Or something like that. No idea who Maidhc Ó Cathail is, but judging by the name, he or his parents are from...
Iran A-Bomb Hoax Update

It should be crystal clear by now, I hope, to all but the hopelessly naive, why Washington has targeted Tehran and what the brouhaha over Iran's nuclear "ambitions" is actually all about. Washington's policy is one of destabilization,...
A Peek Backward
Amid the wreckage of the Obama Presidency, maybe it is time to take a peek back to examine why most everybody was fooled. The primary explanation, it seems to me, is that Mr. and Mrs. America had finally seen through the...
Global Warming v. Global Dumping

Here is a real problem which is observable and for which humans are responsible: the pollution of the earth’s water, in particular, the oceans. We can actually do something about that. We do not need to guess or massage...
Port-au-Prince Must be Abandoned

Whatever resources that are going to be spent in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, should be to feed, clothe and heal the survivors of the earthquake. The town itself ought not be rebuilt. The inhabitants should scatter: head for...
The Long Climbdown

I clipped out David Broder's column in the Washington Post of February 26th, 2009--"Obama Rolls the Dice"--but never did anything with it. Based upon what I have seen of Broder on television, he is a stick-in-the-mud and...
David Brooks solves Arab-Israeli Impasse
The colossal devastation and carnage in Port-au-Prince, Haiti caused by an act of God should, among other things, make us vigilant to avoid catastrophes caused by the wanton and gratuitous acts of Man. The catastrophes...
Always End of the World as We Know It

Now that we have officially entered the era of "Global Colding", I'm sure we are all happy to have left the heyday of "Global Warming". To talk about "Global Warming" now would be ridiculous, and a man in my position cannot...
The Egyptian Time Bomb

Another remarkable article by Jewish peace activist, Uri Avnery, out of Tel Aviv. I was not aware that Bibi has been sipping tea at the presidential palace in Cairo or that President Mubarak had praised Bibi for the fraudulent...
Gore on Ice
The Jury is out on "global warming".
Which is to say, does it actually exist?
Is it happening? And if it is,
are humans the cause of it?
The grand crusade by do-gooding,
"liberal" reformers to warn...
The Iran A-Bomb Hoax

At some point, we may hear the Russians and Chinese being referred to as "deniers" in regard to Iran's purported nuclear weapons program. (See article below in the Jerusalem Post, my emphasis in red.) The intensive brainwashing...
The Stranglehold of Zion

Check out below the historical maps of Palestine since 1946. They demonstrate systematic conquest through war and Jewish immigration. What is missing is one more map labeled 1917. It would be shaded 99% green to indicate...
Oil theft by Mexican drug traffickers...

Is this a great country-next-door, or what?
Washington is asking Mr. and Mrs. America
to fight for a narco-state in Afghanistan.
Concurrently, Washington watched another
narco-state burst onto the scene in...
The Speech & Hollow Victory...
In this era of instant analysis and endless explanations of what is going to be said before anything is said, I'm sure we are all already tired of hearing more about President Barack's performance and speech yesterday at...
UK's guilt, yesterday and tomorrow...

The same type of hype and lies about "WMD" used to justify the bombing and invasion of Iraq is being employed by the US and UK today in manufacturing a crisis over Iran's nonexistent nuclear weapons program. This time around, the...
Obama's Imaginary Leverage

This is absolutely priceless. Yet more wishful thinking, this time by an honest and well-informed observer. (See below.) David Gardner is the chief "leader writer" for the Financial Times and the author of Last Chance:...
Balfour Anniversary...
November has come and almost gone, and I have forgotten to denounce the Balfour Declaration upon its 92nd anniversary. The item below was sent out three years ago, on November 2nd, 2006, the date of the 89th anniversary....
AIG Saves Wall Street...
What this report and article overlooks is the probability that U.S. Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner et al. stepped in to prop up AIG primarily to guarantee that all the counterparties, ie. Wall Street, got paid off 100...
All will become clear | Jerusalem Post

I have put my thinking cap on and tried to figure out what in the world is going on here. (See article below from the Jerusalem Post re the strange, secretive Monday night powwow of Barack O. and Bibi.) All I can do is...
Slow Motion Train Wreck
The Obama Administration is over. Also out the window is the phenomenon known as the Age of Obama. Then again, this should be no surprise. What I wrote in Mad Dogs and Zionists at the start of 2009, prior to Obama taking...
Hillary backs Netanyahu

Throw this item into the fat-and-getting-fatter "Making a monkey out of Uncle Sam" file. It is a measure of Obama's grandiosity that he thought he was going to get Tel Aviv to do what he wanted. Obama hugely miscalculated...
Israel’s European Lobby

We are witnessing something akin to a new Comintern.
A dedicated, blinkered, astute gang of international propagandists
who remain undeterred by any crime, outrage or villainy...
Background to Repression

Where, pray tell, do people think the grotesqueries of Abu Ghraib, Iraq; Bagram, Afghanistan; and Gitmo, Cuba came from? What was the origin and inspiration? Take a wild guess.
Peres rejects Gaza UN Report
Shimon Peres is the ninth Polish or Russian Jew who has held the position "President of Israel". In that capacity, like his predecessors, he has lorded over the native Arab inhabitants of Palestine. (The first president...
Wolfowitz On Iran

He's baackk! The man who brought you Wolfowitz's War,
aka Operation Iraqi Freedom, the three trillion dollar war.
It's Paul Wolfowitz, former whiz kid at Rumsfeld's lie factory....
We're Being Set Up, Again
No sooner did Team Obama crawl back, off of one diplomatic limb, than it jumped on another. This has all happened in a matter of a few days. Extraordinary. Both contortions demonstrate yet again the Israel Lobby control...
Root of the Problem
Now comes an amazing op-ed piece from Los Angeles, of all places. Neve Gordon, a Jewish academic from occupied Palestine, has recently proposed in the L.A. Times a "global boycott" of modern-day Israel, the country of which...
The Last Days of Uncle Sam
I've been away at a croquet tournament for the past 10 days and hence have been out of touch with the passing folly of human events here in Ex America. I did manage to buy a New York Times from time to time and cut out...
Racketeering, not Foreign Policy

The item below shows how it is done. My emphasis in red. Bruce Anderson, a commentator for London's The Independent, addressed the selfsame problem in a column dated September 9th, 2002:
Judgement Day: Bush and Cheney

I guess Doug Thompson is calling for a good old-fashioned witch hunt. (See below.) The idea presents many problems. For one thing, no one knows what treason is anymore, especially when committed by the highest officials...
The Man Nobody Wanted To Hear
Very long and fascinating article in today's Der Spiegel about a man named William White, a Canadian who was the chief economist at arguably the most important financial institution in the world, the Bank for International...
Realities on the Ground, Fictions in the Mind
One of the bêtes noires of the American Israel Lobby is Tony Judt, a distinguished history professor based in New York. His background makes it difficult to attack him. Judt has paid his dues and been around the block when...
Fictions on the Ground

Whoa, what a bombshell of an article Professor Tony Judt has penned in today's NY Times. The only way I could improve upon "Fictions on the Ground" is to accept its logic and point out what would be obvious to any impartial,...
Rachel Corrie on stage...

One of the many ways we can justifiably suspect that the White House and Capitol Hill are "Israeli Occupied Territory" is the Rachel Corrie Affair. A young American women is killed by an IDF military bulldozer in the Gaza...
42nd Anniversary: USS Liberty Attack
Our so-called "ally" is actually an enemy,
exploiting Uncle Sam for all He is worth.
Washington's politicians like this arrangement.
Obama does Cairo
POTUS 44 hit the ball out of the park in Cairo yesterday. Just getting in and out of town without incident meant Obama hit a double. His speech succeeded not because of its content, but by its delivery. What was said was...
Obama's Lecture in Cairo
Since the assassination of president Anwar Sadat in October 1981--due to his signing a peace agreement with Israel--Egypt has become a Washington satrapy, with Sadat's vice-president, Hosni Mubarak acting as the satrap-for-life....
Nothing to be done - The National

Below please find a most thoughtful and sobering tour d'horizon of Middle East peace prospects. You want realism? Can you handle the truth? Well, here it is. (My emphasis in red.) This dead-end was entirely caused by Zionist...
The Netanyahu Courtesy Call
With no fanfare, Prime Minister "Bibi" Netanyahu of Israel has come and gone. Like most of Israel's leaders, he is a Russian Jew. He was born in Tel Aviv, but grew up in the United States. He came to Washington this week...
Pope in Palestine
It turns out that the article in the Jerusalem Post "Sheikh attacks Israel, Pope walks out" which I sent out yesterday was not entirely accurate. It misrepresented what happened. I received an e-mail this morning from a...
William Pfaff: Hang 'em High...
I've been reading William Pfaff ever since I first got off the boat train and landed in Paris in the 1970s. His columns used to appear regularly in the International Herald Tribune before it was totally bought out by the N.Y....
Overzealous meddlers

Noteworthy NY Times article from last weekend re FDR and the Great Depression. (My emphasis in red.) In the Arts section, not the business. The best indictment of FDR is still The Roosevelt Myth (1948) by John T. Flynn.
The West's Fatal Overdose

Herewith an important and lucid article by Gabor Steingart, Der Spiegel's man in Washington. I met him last summer in Southampton while attending a croquet tournament. You can read about that encounter here. His background...
Two Observations
Two statements by long-standing critics of "Neoconservatism" and of the Zionist experiment in Palestine, aka Israel, have caught my eye. The first is by my friend Taki Theodoracopulos, writing in the Spectator of March...
LA Times Op-Ed: Zionism is the Problem

Received the article below (my emphasis in red) from an elementary school friend and sidekick who is often annoyed at what he views as my obsession with Zionism and the affairs of the Middle East. He wonders what it all...
Is Barack Obama turning into George W. Bush?
Please see below an article by Doug Thompson, founder of Capitol Hill Blue. No, Barack Obama is not turning into G.W. Bush. Obama is the same as he was before, to wit, a new star among the Democratic establishment in Washington...
The Bishop Williamson Uproar
Herewith (my emphasis in red) is more fallout from Bishop Richard Williamson’s recent interview in Sweden where he expressed doubts about the existence of homicidal gas chambers inside the concentration camps of the Third...
Cheney Wins, Big Time

The secret history of the Bush 43 Administration, by this I mean the actual history,
which is that of the Cheney Regency, is now gone, lost to historians. See below.
It is...
The Real Reason Bill Clinton pardoned Marc Rich

Here's a curious item from "liberal" commentator Joe Conason about the Marc Rich pardon of January 2001. He points out that the real reason for Bill Clinton's pardon of Rich was due to pressure from those sweethearts "the...
Robert Fisk re Gaza
Middle East expert Robert Fisk nails this down especially well. The situation in Gaza is so criminal and so outrageous that one hardly knows where to begin or what to think. My emphasis in red.