«2011 Blog Entries»
[Copyright 2011 Patrick Foy]
Alerts & Comments
on the Passing Scene...
Endstation Iraq

The Iraq War is over. Barack Obama says so. Incidentally, does anybody think President Obama knows what he is talking about? That's another question, I grant you. What is over, at least for the moment, it seems to me, is...
Coca-Cola Chief backs Germany

If only Coca-Cola were a healthy drink. (See below.) I love it, but my nutritionist tells me it has no food value. Chancellor Schröder did another good thing, not mentioned by the Coke chief. Schröder did not swallow the...
Mirrors in the Desert

Fascinating story below about an attempt at a practical solution. Maybe there is enough desert in the American west to make it work in America. German technology leads the way.
Gingrich wants John Bolton as Secretary of State

Gingrich wants John Bolton
as Secretary of State!
This takes the biscuit. John "Bonkers" Bolton is a warmonger and a fruitcake. Gingrich must be a fool,...
Obama fights for Jewish Support

The essence of American two-party politics at the national level since 2000 boils down to the concerted effort by the establishment Republicans to grab some of the action away from the establishment Democrats with respect...
German consumers ask: 'What Crisis?'

Just love this article from a few days ago in the Financial Times. Who knows which side is right? It is unclear who knows what. We are at sea.
When will the American Drone War end?

The op-ed below in the Washington Post was written by Professor Paul Miller who served as the U.S. National Security Council director for Afghanistan from 2007 to 2009. [My emphasis in red.] He is correct to question the...
Tom Donilon does Brookings

This afternoon I caught the last few minutes of Tom Donilon's talk at the Brookings Institute regarding "Iran's Nuclear Programs". The event took place yesterday. You may not know who Donilon is. He works at the White House...
Mordechai Vanunu: "Iran poses no threat"

This 2005 interview with Israeli whistleblower Mordechai Vanunu is more relevant than ever in view of the fake crisis over Iran’s purported nuclear weapons program. There is no indication that Iran has a nuclear bomb. My...
Wall Street & Obama

It did seem strange at first that Obama & Associates, the reformers for "change", did not move aggressively against the abuses and crimes on Wall Street. It is Wall Street which caused the 2008 blowup. The banksters and...
Governor Rick Perry's "Dangerous" Gaffe

Texas Governor Rick Perry is a clown as well as a Yahoo. He is dangerous. That said, the idea of resetting U.S. foreign aid to zero every year for every recipient makes sense, especially in the case of Israel, which should...
Endstation Iran

Once again, they are dusting off the hot seat for Iran. But I've said that before and the whole topic is frankly becoming tedious. The Washington assignment to find an excuse to wreck Iran has been underway longer than...
Drug Sting Breaks Bad

[Taki’s Magazine]
The purported Iranian plot to assassinate the Saudi ambassador to the U.S., Adel al-Jubeir, may be no more real than Tehran's hyped nuclear weapons program....
Another Great Depression?

It seems possible that the Bush-Obama-Paulson-Bernanke-Geithner bailout of Wall Street and the Big Banks was the wrong prescription. A second Great Depression may have been only postponed, but not averted. Who knows? We...
The Unopened Letter

A snapshot
from the disastrous G. W. Bush Administration.
When Bush put John Paul II's letter on the side table without opening...
Europe is Right and Obama is Wrong

The culprit is free or cheap money for the big boys
and little or no regulation of their multifaceted activities.
There has been no accountability...
Monkey Wrench at the UN

[Taki’s Magazine]
The protracted Mideast "peace process" has finally hit the Iron Wall. There is consternation in the capital of the lone surviving "superpower" and outrage...
Merkel gives Tel Aviv another U-Boat

Who is threatening whom? After "several years" of "pushing" by Tel Aviv, Berlin has decided to provide Israel with yet another advanced U-boat which will be outfitted with nuclear weapons. Oh, and Germany will largely...
The Quest for Jewish Donors

Poor Mitt Romney. (See below.) Unlike G.W. Bush, Romney has not had the opportunity to start a war on behalf of Israel. "Operation Iraqi Freedom" worked like a charm for Bush Jr. & Dick Cheney. The 2003 invasion of Iraq...
German Ex-spy Chief speaks out

Further confirmation below that Bush Jr., Cheney and CIA director Tenet knew. They knew they were lying about Iraq. It was not a mistake. It was a setup from the start. Probably most members of Congress suspected as much,...
Secret Minister Suleiman

I've been thinking about this Egyptian spook Omar Suleiman for months. The most powerful man in Egypt aside from Hosni Mubarak, and yet he just vanishes off the radar screen after Mubarak is driven from office. How odd....
Establishment Media Chokes on Ron Paul

The Libertarian/Republican candidate for U.S. President, Congressman Ron Paul, makes an impressive 2nd place showing in a straw poll in Iowa, and the national news media stages what amounts to an information black-out on...
Hillary Told You So!

A Hillary-for-President booster says "We told you so!" and bemoans the failed Presidency of Barack Obama. See below. Oh sure, by all means bring on Battle-axe Clinton to save "liberalism" and the Republic. Hillary is the...
Corporate Warfare and U.S. Foreign Policy

Like many bemused bystanders, I'm fascinated with the current debt ceiling crisis. Does anybody really understand it? After some preliminary research, I've concluded that the debt ceiling is tantamount to a speed bump....
Bibi Gadzooks Congress

Taki’s Magazine
The only good thing which could result from Bibi Netanyahoo's speech to a joint session of the U.S. Congress on Tuesday, May 24th, 2011 is that it may open...
Desperation in Washington

See below for an excellent analysis of Obama's speech to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) in Washington yesterday.
I think I've figured it out. What is...
Bibi Comes Calling

The Bibi Netanyahoo/ B. Slippery Obama powwow at the White House yesterday was curious. One master con-man taking the measure of another. At this point, it is impossible to say who is the cleverest.
GOP Slams Obama on Israel

Gaga U.S. Republicans have predictably gone bonkers over Obama's boilerplate speech on the Middle East. It's a year before a national election, and everybody is salivating for campaign funds. Whatever Obama says is a waste...
Lufthansa: No Fuel in Tehran

Is Washington endangering international airline passengers as a result of its unwarranted and reckless policy of economic sanctions against Iran? (See below. My emphasis in red.) The short answer is yes.
Obama’s Ultimatum

Taki’s Magazine
Washington appears to have fallen into another trap with Obama's move on Libya. Yes, the Libyan strongman Muammar Gaddafi is a nutcase and a bloodstained dictator,...
The Post-Tsunami Forecast

[Taki’s Magazine]
Have you been wondering about the after-effects of the unfolding disaster in Japan? Putting the enormous human tragedy to one side for a moment, can we make...
Donald Trump for President?

Although he is saying that he will make a decision by June, my impression is that Donald Trump has already decided to run for President. He is getting prepositioned and testing the waters. So you may soon be faced with...
The View from Pimco's El-Erian

Instructive interview several days ago by Der Spiegel of Mohamed El-Erian, who is the CEO of Pimco, the world's largest bond investing company. Pimco is headquartered in California and is a branch of Allianz, the giant...
Robert Fisk meets Mohamed Heikal

Mohamed Heikal: 'I was sure my country would explode. But the young are wiser than us'
Robert Fisk meets the doyen of Egypt's journalists
Uprising Against Empire

Interesting item below by American libertarian Lew Rockwell, supporting the revolutionaries in Egypt. All well and good. Generally speaking, however, I believe that both the American Left and the anti-war Right employ this...
Omar Suleiman to the Box

From one psychopath to the next...and a critical connection which enabled the unprovoked invasion of Iraq by Cheney and Bush thanks to torture and a false confession. Barack and Hillary, Netanyahu and Shimon Peres have...
Dead Men Walking

Colorful article about Egypt, written yesterday. Well worth reading. Hard to believe that Mubarak could be worth $40 billion, however.
Mohamed ElBaradei

Nice little item below which speaks volumes about U.S. and Israel. Some of it is true. Yes, Mr. Malcolm Hoenlein of New York City and TelAviv is indeed one of the most influential Jewish/Zionist leaders in America. He...
«Egyptian Time Bomb» Revisited

Reproduced below is an entry I wrote at the beginning of last year, January 9th, 2010. It seems most appropriate now. I've no idea where the current riots in Egypt are headed. But with reports that President Mubarak's son...
Forget Wikileaks... Here come the Palestinian Papers

Someone decided to leak 10 years worth of behind-the-scenes documents from the Mideast "peace process" scam. We already knew the process was a scam on behalf of Tel Aviv and its world-wide networks of supporters. The document...