«2013 Blog Entries»
[Copyright 2013 Patrick Foy]
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on the Passing Scene...
The Pivot to Nowhere

[Crossposted to CounterPunch]
With 2014 now upon us, a cosmological question may have occurred to you. Where is America going to "pivot to" next? Gideon Rachman, chief foreign...
Iran Breakthrough is Real

[Crossposted in CounterPunch]
A prep school classmate of mine e-mailed me last Sunday, November 24th. He was enthused about the breakthrough deal (by the so-called "E3/EU+3"...
The Sun Sets on U.S. Dollar Supremacy

Interesting summary below on the probable fate of the U.S. Dollar and American hegemony. It emanates from yesterday's London Telegraph. London is a good location from which to view the matter in a calm, detached way.
The Next Shoe to Drop?

The immediate crisis in Syria is over. The White House rush to war has been derailed thanks to the British Parliament and Vladimir Putin. Predicated upon dubious intelligence, a flawed premise and hysteria, Sleepwalker...
Fun and Games with the “Peace Process”

Over the past several months U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, who is a former Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and was Democratic candidate for the White House in 2004, has been beating the bushes in...
Blowback in Boston

With respect to the terrorist bombings during the Boston Marathon last week, first and foremost this should serve as a wake-up call for the American people to learn a great deal more about faraway places and the adverse...
The Turkish Prime Minister's Remarks

The Turkish Prime Minister was accurate in linking Zionism with crimes against humanity. (See NY Times article below.) The crimes only got worse when Zionism succeeded in 1947/48--thanks to Washington and Moscow--and obtained...
America Shamed Again

President's Day, 2013
Good update below by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts concerning the biggest, ongoing scandal in American history, to wit, the hijacking of the U.S. federal government...
Dr. Ulrich Salzer contra Professor Paul Krugman

Please find below a letter written by a friend of mine in Germany, Ulli Salzer of Munich, to Paul Krugman of the New York Times. Ulli is a German banker and lawyer. His letter speaks for itself. I think we still face the...
The Witch Trial of Chuck Hagel

Earlier today, I read the “Witch Trial of Chuck Hagel” (see below). I agree with the writer. The opposition wanted to knock out and/or cripple Senator Hagel. From their point of view, I don't blame the bastards. They have...
The IDF vs. The West Bank

See below, from the Independent of London of a week ago. I am wondering if this incident is part of a pattern by the powers-that-be in Israel to incite another Intifada, leading to a massive population transfer, aka ethnic...
The Legacy of Timothy Geithner

Fascinating article in the New York Times from last Thursday.
Thanks to Obama and Biden, Secretary of the Treasury, Tim Geithner, leaves behind a time bomb in Washington....
Obama’s Counter-Productive Drone War

The current "progressive" occupant of the White House has been on an extended killing spree, the purpose of which is to demonstrate and prove, first and foremost, that he "has Israel's back"--to employ the street-gang lingo...