«2008 Blog Entries»
Alerts and Unsolicited Comments on the Passing Scene in 2008
[Copyright 2008 Patrick Foy]
UN Rapporteur denied entry to Israel

Note the date below: December 15th. A week and a half prior to the aerial assaults on Gaza. A UN observer described the situation at that time thusly: "Israel still maintains its Gaza siege in its full fury, allowing only...
Criminal Insanity
Aside from the WMD lie, Washington justified the invasion of Iraq in early 2003 and its overall policy by another canard--that of bringing "democracy" to the Middle East. The average, naive American could buy into these...
Cheney Watch - Update 3

From my “Cheney Watch” memo of Friday, November 5th...
"In the wake of the Obama landslide on Tuesday, my main concern from now until the inauguration in January is Dick Cheney,...
Obama Citizenship Accusations

This is all we need: due to a legal technicality, Obama could be disqualified from being inaugurated on January 20th, 2009. See fascinating article below. A workaround might be (1) just ignore the constitutional provision...
Do Not Be Afraid?

See below an eye-opening Op-Ed from Tel Aviv of a few days ago. (My emphasis in red.) Unlike the vast majority of distracted Americans, the folks in charge of Israel know who has been calling the shots on American foreign...
Japan an Aggressor Nation?
Perhaps you have read about the Japanese Air Force officer, Tamogami Toshio, who recently wrote an article explaining why Japan was not an aggressor nation in World War II. He was immediately fired by the Japanese government...
The Non-Event
As an individual, Rahm Israel Emanuel is small potatoes, but his appointment as Obama's White House chief of staff constitutes an enormous stink bomb. In the excellent article below focusing upon Palestine, the author wonders:...
Cheney Watch Update 2
In the wake of the B. Obama landslide, my main concern is Dick Cheney, the unscrupulous CEO of the current Administration. My concern is that the historical record of the past eight years, specifically the hijacking of...
No Access to Ancestral Villages
More cheerful news below from "the only democracy in the Middle East" and America's "closest ally". That's why there is a U.S. "Israel Lobby" after all--to insure that America's leaders stay suborned and its complacent...
J. McNasty vs. B. Obama
Just a few random thoughts on last night's U.S. presidential debate between Crackbrain McNasty and B. Slippery Obama...
In general, discouraging and depressing with respect...
Delayed 9/11 Aftershocks
Letter to the Editor below in FT Weekend points out that the U.S. Fed has determined the rate of interest on money, and that rate in real terms has been artificially low for years.
Debate and 'weird week' in USA
As I write, the debate between the two U.S. Vice-Presidential candidates, Joe Biden and Sarah Palin, is winding down. I could not bear to watch it any longer. On the one hand, it has been hilarious; on the other, it was...
Big Picture, Reconsidered and Revisited
Has it finally dawned on anybody that the current U.S. economic crisis is largely the result of long-standing, idiotic U.S. foreign policy decisions, specifically, the suborned and blinkered, Israel-centric policy in the...
The Warren Buffett Factor
I am uncomfortable around folksy people who also happen to be successful. I assume it is an act and that they are hiding something, that their "folksyness" is a cover for something, either fake sprezzatura or some level...
Cheney Watch Update
Most American still do not make the connection between the Iraq war and Israel, which is to say, the connection between the launching of "Operation Iraqi Freedom" and the U.S. "Israel Lobby". The thought police and the...
Joe 'I am a Zionist' Biden
If one were to be logical, and accept Joe "I am a Zionist" Biden at his word (see below), then doesn't this make him, in a technical sense, an unregistered agent of a foreign government? Or at least an acolyte of an alien...
Neocon Wrecking Crew

The just-completed Republican convention which nominated Senator John McCain for President was a delusional affair, obviously. Still, it was a most impressive show and may well catapult an unstable and unwise man into the...
The Lobby Like No Other
22-year CIA veteran Michael Scheuer, who headed the Bin Laden unit, sums up the basic problem below. I say "basic", because the problem is by no means limited to AIPAC. It is only the most public front organization. There...
Why Iran?
Scott Ritter, in his understated manner, writes today:
“Those who have formulated the policies of the Bush administration which have placed Iran and America on a collision...
Professor Anatol Lieven gets desperate

I am wondering why Professor Anatol Lieven makes a point (below) of calling upon Britain to prevent an attack on Iran, instead of appealing directly to Washington to come to its senses. After all, Whitehall is a sideshow....
The Iran Brouhaha

As some suggest, G.W. Bush could be the worst President in U.S. history. He may be just a goofball, an aberration, a fool. Whatever, he gets what he wants from Europe when it comes to U.S. policy in Middle East. Give him...
1967 Attack on USS Liberty

Here's an old story--the June 8th, 1967 attack upon the USS Liberty off the coast of Egypt--which has been studiously ignored by the establishment press and by the politicians on Capitol Hill.
Big Problemo at Guantanamo
Here’s another outrage which makes one wonder how Cheney and Bush can sleep at night. I am referring to the ongoing scandal at the Guantanamo Bay detention camp. See below McClatchy Washington Bureau story of today's date....
The Impeachment of G.W. Bush
The articles for the impeachment of G.W. Bush have been buried by the Democratic leadership in Congress in the House Judiciary Committee. It doesn't fit into the Democrats' 2008 campaign strategy for retaking the White...
Obama soothes pro-Israel Lobby

The complete vindication of Professors Mearsheimer and Walt's book The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy was made in the past few days with the kowtowing performances of B. “Slippery” Obama, H.R. Clinton, and the Dick...
The Democrats' Palestine Problem
If you are not reading Al-Ahram out of Cairo, you are missing a lot. At least a different perspective. Here from three months ago is an item about Barack Obama and the Washington Democrats. If you had read this item, you...
The Bizarre Trip
Important article by William Pfaff below. He is wondering about G.W.'s mental health and what medication he is taking. I have the same concern about Dick Cheney. I know a man who knows Bush Jr. and his father well. My friend...
No Contest
A quick observation on the interminable Democratic party nominating process to pick a candidate to oppose Crackbrain McCain in November 2008. If I were a Democrat, especially a "liberal" Democrat, the choice would be a...
Cutting to the Chase
Let's cut to the chase on the 2008 U.S. Presidential contest involving Senator Hillary Clinton and Senator John McCain--the establishment retreads, to borrow a phrase from Maureen Dowd--versus the born-again, Columbia/Harvard whiz...
Settlers Attack German Parliamentarians
Angela Merkel needs to send her pal Ehud Olmert and “the Israelis”--especially the Jewish “settlers” on the West Bank--more cash and kisses. Germany has been directly and indirectly funding these crazed characters for decades....
Ruminations on Election from Hell
See below a good commentary about the current U.S. process for picking the next frontman to be President of Ex America. I do not use the term "frontman" flippantly. At this stage, any occupant of the Oval Office is in a...
Reducing Gaza to Destitution

For the present deplorable situation is Gaza, brought about by an economic embargo, see below an article by the commissioner general for UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees.
Why is Bush still President?

Doug Thompson, founder of Capitol Hill Blue, is asking the right question--"Why?"--but he continues to make the same mistake, which is to blame everything on Bush. Thompson does not even mention Dick Cheney in his indictment...